Why do you think towns grew around temples?
Towns had developed around temples most of the time at the center of society and the economy. This was due to the fact that the temple owners financed both banking and commerce with their wealth. Also, a large group of pilgrims had given artisans as well as traders opportunities the conduction of business as well as making a living out of it....
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Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
Swadeshi movement started on 7th August 1905 in Town Hall, Kolkata. The Swadeshi movement which is also called as Self-rule movement played a pivotal role in the history of Indian Independence. It was a critical movement in India’s freedom struggle. This article solely focuses on the Swadeshi movement and how it contributed to the Indian struggle for independence....
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“Discovering” Stupas The Fate of Amaravati and Sanchi| Class 12 History Notes
Class 12 History “Discovering” Stupas The Fate of Amaravati and Sanchi: In 1796, a local ruler intending to construct a temple stumbled upon the ruins of the stupa at Amaravati. Believing there might be treasure buried within the mound, the ruler decided to repurpose the stone from the site. British official Colin Mackenzie visited the site later, documenting sculptures but never publishing his findings....
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Italian Fascism: Mussolini & Unification
Italian Fascism is a complex political ideology that surfaced during the interwar period (1918-1939). Also known as classical fascism, this ideology emerged as a political movement led by Benito Mussolini. Fascism found its root in the widespread dissatisfaction due to economic turmoil, social unrest, and political instability after World War I. Italian fascism promoted hyper-nationalism and the restoration of the old glory days and national pride. Though started in Italy, fascism soon spread to other nations as well....
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Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome is a term that denotes the founding of Rome in 753 BC. Ancient Rome also tells the story of the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic, and Roman Empire with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD. Ancient Rome was founded by two brothers including Romulus and Remus, on 21st April 753 BCE....
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Alauddin Khilji – List of Victories in Chronological Order
List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in Detail: Want to learn about Alauddin Khilji’s invasions and victories? Then this article is for you. One of the Khilji dynasty’s most potent emperors, Alauddin Khalji, established his authority in Delhi by killing his father-in-law and uncle, Jalalluding Kilji, and rose to become the Sultan of Delhi. Alauddin defended the Mongol invasions in India more than once to retain and expand his kingdom across North, Central, and South India....
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Akbar Biography- History, Reign and Religious Policy
Akbar, also known as Abu’l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar was one of the greatest rulers during the Mughal period. He was born on 15th October 1542 in Umarkot, presently in Pakistan, and died on 25th October 1605 in Agra. He was responsible for extending power over most of the Indian subcontinent and reigned from 1556 to 1605. Various measures were adopted by Akbar to win the loyalty of the Hindu population and other non-Muslim populations....
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Who were Tribal People?
Throughout the long term, significant political, social, and monetary advancements occurred. In any case, social change was not the equivalent all over, on the grounds that various types of social orders developed in an unexpected way. In huge portions of the subcontinent, society was at that point isolated by the standards of Varna. These guidelines, as endorsed by the Brahmans, were acknowledged by the leaders of huge realms. The contrast between the high and low, and between the rich and poor, expanded. Under the Delhi Sultans and the Mughals, this pecking order between friendly classes became further....
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The Making of Germany, Italy and Britain
The rise of Nationalism in Europe was stimulated by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. Before the nineteenth century, European countries were not in the form they are today, they were ruled by dynastic empires. The countries were ruled by monarchies that enjoyed absolute power over their subjects. Various technological and the ensuing social changes helped in developing the ideas of nationalism amongst individuals and the process of creation of nation-states began in 1789 with the French Revolution....
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Religious Reform and Public Debates
Print can be found in books, journals, newspapers, and prints of famous paintings, as well as in everyday goods like theatrical programs, official circulars, calendars, diaries, advertisements, and street corner theatre posters. We read printed literature, see printed images, get news from newspapers, and keep track of public debates in print....
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Post-War Era
In the context of western usage, the phrase post-war era refers to the time after the end of World War II. In a more holistic sense, the post-war period is the interval immediately following the end of the war. A post-war period can become an interwar period when war between the same parties resumes at later date. By contrast, the post-war period marks the cessation of armed conflict entirely....
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NCERT Solutions For Class-12 History Chapter-3: Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies
NCERT Solutions For Class 12 History Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies – This article includes the free NCERT Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies. It will help the students of Class 12 to learn the solutions and ace their exams. It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines. It help the students of Class 12 create a solid conceptual base for History Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies....
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